
SRC夏期国際シンポジウム"The Crucible of a New World? Russia’s Borderlands at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century" (新世界の坩堝?20世紀夜明けのロシア境界地域)が7月18・19両日、北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センターにて対面のみで行われます。



Using the borderlands of the Russian Empire as a case study, we will examine the rise of alternatives in various forms as a result of the Empire’s decline. How did these new trends and activities in the borderlands work with, or hinder, new trends such as socialism, nationalism, continued imperial power, etc. that would dominate the twentieth century?
We invite leading scholars to debate this question, looking forward to a new global history from the Eurasian continent!